David Yunevich, Developer in Grimsby, ON, Canada
David is available for hire
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David Yunevich

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Grimsby, ON, Canada
Toptal Member Since
August 15, 2022

David是一位可靠且积极主动的全栈开发人员,拥有7年的商业开发经验. 他拥有坚实而多元化的技术堆栈,专注于web开发,并从事应用程序开发, custom websites, third-party integrations, and legacy code migrations. 具有良好的沟通能力和丰富的指导和领导经验, David excels in solving both development and management challenges.


ServerMania Inc
Vue, Go, PostgreSQL, PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript, Docker, GitLab CI/CD...
ServerMania Inc
JavaScript, Vue, Go, PostgreSQL, Code Review, HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress...
ServerMania Inc
JavaScript, Vue, React, Go, Lua, Bash Script, PHP, WordPress, Git, GitLab...




Preferred Environment

Git, GitLab, Vue, TypeScript, Go, Nuxt.js, Docker, PostgreSQL, SCSS, NGINX

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Technical Lead

2021 - PRESENT
ServerMania Inc
  • Designed and implemented the main company's website architecture using Nuxt.js as an engine. 它解决了所有核心Web vital问题,并显著提高了加载速度和整体用户体验.
  • Mentored, inspired, and managed middle and junior developers in my team.
  • 通过实施更好的文档文化,增强了我们开发部门的工作流程, automating manual processes, and migrating to more modern tools.
Technologies: Vue, Go, PostgreSQL, PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript, Docker, GitLab CI/CD, Storybook, DevOps, Nuxt.js, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Express.js, GitLab, NGINX, Apache, SCSS, PostCSS, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Docker Compose, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Data-driven Programming, REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Mentorship, Kanban, YAML, NPM, Jest, Webpack, Vite, Rollup, Community Management, Vue Router, Stripe, JSON, Vue 2, APIs, Web Development, Databases, Back-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, OAuth, Firebase, Astro, Vuetify, MySQL, Front-end, Full-stack, Next.js, Agile, SQL, A/B Testing, Front-end Development, Netlify, Single-page Applications (SPA), API Integration, Database Design, Product Owner, Project Management, Zoho, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Microservices Architecture, Back-end, Redis

Senior Full-stack Web Developer

2019 - 2021
ServerMania Inc
  • Used Go and Vue.Js开发了一款应用程序,可以在公司的计费平台和第三方营销工具之间同步数据.
  • Improved the load speed, maintainability, and overall UX of WordPress projects by providing the custom-tailored theme, achieving a Lighthouse score for mobile devices of 98/100.
  • 在我们所有的前端项目中执行Sentry,以便更好、更主动地跟踪bug.
  • Migrated the codebase of legacy projects from JavaScript to TypeScript.
  • 使用GitLab作为报告工具,跟踪、修复和分配bug给其他人.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, Go, PostgreSQL, Code Review, HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress, Adaptive Layout, UX Design, ActiveCampaign, MongoDB, DevOps, NGINX, Apache, Mentorship, SCSS, PostCSS, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Docker Compose, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Data-driven Programming, REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), YAML, Jest, Webpack, Vue Router, Stripe, JSON, Vue 2, APIs, Web Development, Databases, Back-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, OAuth, Stripe Connect, Vuetify, MySQL, Front-end, Full-stack, Agile, SQL, A/B Testing, Front-end Development, Netlify, Single-page Applications (SPA), API Integration, Database Design, Product Owner, Project Management, Zoho, Leadership, Architecture, Microservices Architecture, Back-end

Middle Full-stack Web Developer

2016 - 2019
ServerMania Inc
  • 作为领先的前端开发人员,使用Go开发了一个计费平台应用程序, MongoDB, GraphQL, and Vue. The app comprised the billing processing functionality, a support area, and a dedicated server control panel.
  • 为市场部开发activeccampaign和Wicked Reports的集成.
  • build Awesome Notifications,一个目前被数百名开发人员使用的开源库.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using GitLab and Jira as a reporting tool.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, React, Go, Lua, Bash Script, PHP, WordPress, Git, GitLab, DevOps, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, GraphQL, Jira, ActiveCampaign, Wicked Reports, SCSS, PostCSS, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Docker Compose, Data-driven Programming, REST, Webpack, Vue Router, Stripe, JSON, Vue 2, APIs, Web Development, Databases, Back-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, D3.js, OAuth, Stripe Connect, Vuetify, MySQL, Front-end, Full-stack, Agile, SQL, Front-end Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), API Integration, Zoho, Microservices Architecture, Back-end

Junior Front-end Developer

2015 - 2016
ServerMania Inc
  • Contributed to developing the Order Form app using Go, PostgreSQL, and Vue.
  • Built and maintained various static websites on pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Developed and maintained various WordPress websites.
  • Migrated from jQuery to Vanilla JS for performance improvement.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using Jira as a reporting tool.
Technologies: Vue, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Photoshop CC, PHP, WordPress, SCSS, PostCSS, Docker Compose, REST, Webpack, Vue Router, JSON, Vue 2, Web Development, D3.js、OAuth、Vuetify、前端、敏捷、前端开发、单页应用(SPA)

Web Developer

2013 - 2015
  • Developed various static websites based on provided designs.
  • Provided technical SEO, including semantic tags and Schema.org.
  • Maintained various websites both developed by myself and others.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, Photoshop CC, REST, Flutter, Dart, Bash Script, NPM, Community Management, Vue Router, JSON, Web Development, D3.js, Front-end, Front-end Development

ServerMania's SSR Website

主要目标是提供一个大约有300页的网站,可以很容易地更新新内容. A significant amount of pages should be designed to be data-driven friendly.

I was a technical lead on this project, and I'd chosen Nuxt.js as a framework because it combines benefits from Vue.js and the SSR approach, which makes an app SEO-friendly. Starting from scratch, I designed the architecture and CI/CD, implemented crucial low-level parts, and managed other developers to complete the project.


ServerMania's Lockstep

The goal was to provide a transparent, supervisable, 以及在公司计费平台和第三方营销服务(如activeccampaign)之间同步数据的可靠方法, Wicked Reports, and Zoho Analytics.

As a senior developer, 我负责实现最有价值和最复杂的架构部分. I also spent some time mentoring other team members, 因此,我们可以实现项目目标,并通过实际案例的学习来提高他们的技能.

We released an app with a zero-downtime policy, fast syncs, and complete logs. At this point, 市场部总是确信他们的报告使用了100%有效的数据,没有任何遗漏.

ServerMania's Order Form


The project had complex feature and performance requirements. As a lead full-stack developer, I've implemented the basic architecture and required features using Vue, Go, and PostgreSQL. Those features included:
• An admin area with sophisticated controls and customization options
• A client area that should be fast and convenient to use
• The company's billing platform integration with Stripe, PayPal, and BTPay
• A batch of other third-party and internal services integrations
• The CI/CD configuration and implementation

我们的团队满足了所有提供的要求,并发布了一个方便使用的应用程序, fast, and easy to maintain, making the sales team and clients' lives easier.

Awesome Notifications

The main goal was to provide a tool to easily create toast notifications. 它应该是轻量级的,易于使用,支持异步流,并提供数据驱动的API.

我决定让它开源,这样我就可以帮助社区解决类似的问题. I developed it from scratch using Vanilla JS and CSS without any dependencies.

生成的库大小为4KB,使用起来很方便,并且有详细的文档. In no time, it became popular and got hundreds of thankful users.

ServerMania's Blog

The goal was to create a blog that content writers could easily update.

As a leading developer, 我选择WordPress作为平台是因为它满足需求并且可以快速实现. 然而,出于性能和定制的原因,我不得不开发一个自定义WordPress主题.

Unlike most other companies, 我们已经成功地将Git和GitLab CI/CD集成到WordPress开发流程中, 让我们以一种高度监督和可靠的方式使用WordPress.

ServerMania's Knowledge Base


This project had a lot in common with the company's blog, so, as a leading developer, I decided to use WordPress again. However, we also needed a custom WordPress theme, in this case, for performance and customization reasons. Still, since we already had one for the blog, I just adapted it, reusing most of the existing codebase.

我们得到了一个功能齐全的自助支持中心,使用的代码库与我们之前的WordPress项目几乎相同. 这有助于减少维持这两个项目所需的资源数量, which can persist up-to-date without noticeable efforts from the development team.

ServerMania's Surge

该项目的目标是创建一个包含账单处理的复杂应用程序, a support center, a dedicated servers' control panel, marketing reports, and a batch of other tools.

This was the most complicated and long project I've ever worked on. We had a small development team, and as a benefit of such a small team size, I could participate in developing each feature using a non-trivial stack—Go, MongoDB, GraphQL, and Vue.

Despite all difficulties, we released this app in time, 这是公司历史上的一个转折点,因为这个应用程序极大地增强了业务流程,提高了ServerMania在市场上的竞争力.

YQueue SSR Website

主要公司的网站是在SSR的支持下建立的,最初是在next的支持下.js should have been used as an engine. Still, after I was hired, 我做了需求分析,并基于我对不同SSR引擎(包括next)的丰富经验.js), I advised using Astro.js instead as a more performant solution.

该项目的主要挑战是复杂的动画和每个地区不同内容的渲染. 我成功地应对了这些挑战,不仅满足了每一个要求,而且以最好的表现完成了任务.


As a lead front-end developer, 我与Toptal团队合作,为芝加哥的一家公司构建了一个基于vue的CRM应用程序. 我设计前端架构并实现最佳实践,以确保与后端开发的顺利集成.

Consultant for EdTech app

我评估了一家教育科技公司的MVP,主要关注性能和移动用户体验(UX)。. 通过对代码库及其功能和非功能需求进行彻底的分析, I provided a concise and impactful guide to enhance these areas.
JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2024

IELTS | International English Language Testing System

British Council


Vue, React, Vuex, REST APIs, Stripe, Vue 2, jQuery, Node.js, D3.js, Stripe Connect


GitLab, GitHub, GitLab CI/CD, NGINX, Jira, Adobe Experience Design (XD), PostCSS, NPM, Webpack, Docker Compose, Git, Apache, GitHub Pages, Rollup, Photoshop CC, Figma


Nuxt.js, Vue SSR, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Vuetify, Next.js, Flutter, Express.js


TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS, SQL, Go, PHP, Bash Script, YAML, Lua, Dart, GraphQL


REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Kanban, DevOps, Data-driven Programming, Agile, Database Design, Microservices Architecture, Management, UX Design, Requirements Analysis, Responsive Layout


Docker, WordPress, Firebase, Netlify, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


JSON, Databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis

Industry Expertise

Project Management


Code Review, Mentorship, Adaptive Layout, ActiveCampaign, English, Wicked Reports, DOM, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Vue Router, APIs, Web Development, Back-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, OAuth, Front-end, Full-stack, Astro, eCommerce, Front-end Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), API Integration, WordPress Themes, Back-end, Storybook, Open Source, Vite, A/B Testing, WordPress Plugins, Product Owner, Leadership, Architecture, Community Management, HTML5 Animations, CSS3 Animation, Multilingual Websites, User Interface (UI), Responsive Web Apps, Zoho

Collaboration That Works

How to Work with Toptal



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